
Curtin African Students Mentorship 


The Curtin African Students Association (CASA) Mentorship Program is a dynamic mentorship initiative aimed at developing meaningful relationship between students of African backgrounds in Western Australia and seasoned professionals. As such, the primary focus of the program is fostering a structured platform for mentorship, knowledge exchange, early career guidance and support, as well as personal development.


The primary objectives of the Program are to:


  • Foster a supportive community where mentors and mentees can share experiences, challenges, and successes.

  • Facilitate mentorship relationships between students and professionals of African descent to support the transition from academic to professional life.

  • Provide opportunities for mentees to gain insight, advice, and guidance from experienced professionals in their field of interest.

  • Empower mentees to set and achieve personal and professional goals through tailored guidance and support


Curtin African Students Mentorship